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99 Fascinating Rat Facts For Kids

99 Fascinating Rat Facts For Kids - 8. Rats' spinal injuries were shown to be improved by the blue M&M colour. Unfortunately this led to the unfavourable adverse reaction of making the rats turn blue due to the necessary levels

Rats are fascinating animals who have lived alongside humans for many hundreds of years. Here is a list of 99 Fascinating Rat Facts which will come in handy if you are writing a project or if you simply love rats. We bet there are a few here you never knew!

How Far Can A Rat Fall Without Being Hurt?

  1. A rat can drop up to 50 feet without getting hurt.

  2. It takes far more electricity to kill a rat than a human.

  3. An ordinary kangaroo rat may live for ten years without drinking any water. This is far longer than a camel!

  4. Rats who are joyful emit noises resembling laughing. How cute!

  5. An estimated 10%, or $2.1 billion, of Pablo Escobar's cash was eaten by rats annually.

    How Many Babies Do Rats Have At A Time?

  6. Rats are capable of having up to 20 young at once.

  7. In order to more accurately depict rats in the 2007 Pixar film Ratatouille, the filmmakers kept live rats in their workspaces.

  8. Rats' spinal injuries were shown to be improved by the blue M&M colour. Unfortunately this led to the unfavourable adverse reaction of making the rats turn blue due to the necessary levels. (This is definitely in my top 3 of the 99 Fascinating Rat Facts For Kids! - Ed)

  9. Rats have alligator-like teeth that can exert over 3000kg per square inch of pressure.

  10. A mischief is a collection of rats.

  11. Rats are able to lift nearly one pound, which is greater than their typical body weight.

  12. Rats launched from France in 1961 were among the first creatures to travel to space.

  13. In 2016, the Staten Island Yankees launched a name-the-team competition. One of the best names suggested in reaction to the internet craze "Pizza Rat" was "Pizza Rats." Every year, they play a few games under the Staten Island Pizza Rats name before suspending their Yankees identity.

    How Much Damage Can A Rat Do?

  14. You might lose over $25,000 if a rat infestation is left uncontrolled! They can cause a huge amount of damage to wiring in valuable items such as computers and electric cars.

  15. Over 51 different species of rats have been identified.

  16. Small rats can squeeze through a quarter-sized (0.96 inch) opening.

  17. Rats are a cosmopolitan species. They can adjust their nutrition based on available resources. This means that they can flourish in a variety of environmental circumstances.

  18. The rat situation in Bombay, India, became so severe in 1954 that they started taking dead rats in lieu of taxes. People immediately used mass breeding and slaughter operations to take advantage of the system. Unsurprisingly this led to the program's termination.

    How Long Can A Rat Survive Without Food?

  19. Rats can survive without food for up to four days.

  20. Jack Black, a Victorian rat trapper, is mostly credited with domesticating rats and creating the fancy rat. This is something that even Queen Victoria kept as a pet.

    What Is A Rat King?

  21. A bunch of rats' tails might get twisted up and stuck in things like gum or tree sap, making it impossible for them to get away. A ‘rat king’ is the name for this horrifying occurrence. (I reckon this is the most disgusting of the 99 Fascinating Rat Facts! - Ed)

  22. If a white rat crosses your path this was considered lucky, whereas a black rat has been considered unlucky by the ancient Romans. Rats like to be tickled. Rats use their tails to balance, communicate with one another, and control their body temperature. Rats do have belly buttons, but they do not have any tonsils or a gallbladder.

  23. Rats have one of the most acute senses of smell. https://www.hammertechltd.com/blog/what-does-rat-urine-smell-like

  24. Rats do not sweat, but they do control their body temperature by dilating or widening veins and arteries in their tails.

    How Strong Are Rats Teeth?

  25. Rat tooth enamel is claimed to be more durable than steel.

  26. Rats can gnaw through glass, cinder blocks, wire, metal, and lead thanks to their powerful teeth.

  27. The protagonist of the well-known children's book Wind in the Willows, which was released in 1908, was a rat by the name of "Ratty."

  28. Beginning in the Pleistocene era, brown and black rats diverged from predecessors. They shared similar characteristics.

    How Good Is Rats Eyesight?

  29. Rats have very weak eyesight and are colour blind.

  30. Rats are excellent communicators. They communicate through touch, scent, sound, and body language just like humans.

  31. By sniffing other rats' breath, rodents may discover what food they enjoy.

  32. Rats consume their own waste because it contains nutrients. By digesting it twice they can make better use of it’s dietary value.

  33. After receiving an electric shock, rats have been observed to restart their hearts. This makes it very have to electrocute them.

  34. In just one year, two mating brown rats may spawn 15,000 rats.

  35. Evidence implies that Mediterranean rats were preyed upon by Egyptian birds.

  36. The biggest populated region that has never had a rat is Alberta, Canada, with a population of 4.25 million.

    When Is The Next Year Of The Rat?

  37. The first sign of the 12 Chinese animal signs is the rat. The year of the rat is back in 2032!

  38. There are more genera outside Rattus where rats-like creatures can be found. Other genera include Bandicota, Dipodomys, and Neotoma.

  39. The desert regions of the Western USA and Northern Mexico are home to the pack rat, commonly referred to as the wood rat. https://www.hammertechltd.com/blog/how-to-identify-rat-droppings-what-size-are-they

  40. Playing hide-and-seek is a skill that rats possess.

  41. Rodents must constantly chew to keep their teeth short and ready to allow them to eat.

  42. The name "Hatch" was given to the first canine known to capture rats. Henry VIII's flagship, the Mary Rose, was where his bones were found. Hatch is said to have been hired to manage the rat population.

  43. South American authoritarian regimes were renowned for their inhumane behaviour. Many of them employed the harsh interrogation technique known as rat torture during the twentieth century.

    How Far And High Can A Rat Jump?

  44. Rats have a 2-foot vertical jump from a static position and a 3-foot jump from a running start. That would be the same as a person leaping onto the roof of a garage.

  45. The United States reports 14,000 rat assaults on humans directly each year.

  46. Beatrix Potter, the creator of the beloved Peter Rabbit books, received an albino rat from the official rat trapper of Queen Victoria.

  47. Rats' yellow teeth can be used to determine their maturity. Rat pups have white teeth at first.

  48. One of the few rodent species with a complex social structure that includes leaders, deputy leaders, outcasts, and rebels is the rat.

  49. Rats are neophobic, which means they are scared to attempt new things, unlike mice who will explore new objects with interest. This makes it challenging to use a reliable food supply as a bait or lure to attract them.

  50. The African Gambian Pouched Rat resembles the Norway Rat in appearance but may weigh up to 15 pounds!

  51. Rats can produce and recognise important ultrasonic frequencies that humans cannot hear. This is thanks to their excellent hearing.

  52. The NHL's Florida Panthers have a custom known as "rat-trick," in which supporters toss countless plastic rats onto the ice before each game.

  53. Rats consume a large amount of vegetables and fruits in their optimal diet.

    How Long Can A Rat Hold It’s Breath?

  54. Some rats can hold their breath for up to three minutes and are excellent swimmers.

  55. Rats' teeth are constantly growing. Every year, their front teeth extend by 4.5 to 5.5 inches.

  56. There was a milk allowance for the cats that kept rodents out of the grain storehouse at the ancient Jameson Whiskey plant in Dublin.

  57. Hamelin town is where the Pied Piper first appears in written history. Their church was demolished in the early seventeenth century but he is still depicted in a stained glass window dating to around 1300.

  58. Rats' strong claws on their paws allow them to easily ascend cement or brick walls.

  59. Even cleaner than cats, rats are a remarkably clean kind of mammal.

    What Is The Biggest Rat?

  60. The biggest known rat, measuring 32" long (including the tail) and weighed upwards of 3 lbs, was found in 2009 and is known as the Bosavi Woolly Rat.

  61. Rats may be taught a number of skills, and they will even pick up names. (IMO this is the most surprising of these 99 Fascinating Rat Facts For Kids! - Ed)

  62. Rats are believed to have spread over the world as a result of maritime commerce. Rats most likely stowed away aboard ships.

  63. Rats tend to the ill and injured members of their community.

  64. Rats are social animals, therefore being alone can make them lonely and miserable.

  65. Like people, rats cave in to peer pressure. They have such a strong need to fit in that if they are eating with other rats, they will prefer to consume an unpleasant meal.

    What Are Male And Female Rats Called?

  66. Rat males are referred to as bucks and females as are deer.

  67. Rats utilise their whiskers to assess an object's size, shape, orientation, and texture in the dark. Whisking is the term for this.

  68. Rats have dreams, according to scientists.

  69. Rats can distinguish a teaspoonful of chocolate from 1302 litres of milk.

    What Is The Lifespan Of Rats In The Wild?

  70. The life span of rats in the natural environment is one year owing to predators, however it varies depending on the species.

  71. On remote islands, rats feed on eggs and chicks of woodland birds that have never developed defences against them. This has led them to thrive as an invading species.

  72. A female rat has a 6 hour receptivity period during which she can mate 500 times.

  73. Each year, about 12 rats invade Alberta, Canada. They soon put an end to all of them with the help of their skilled Rat Control Task Force.

  74. Rats feel remorse much like people do.

  75. In Iran, rats got so big that snipers had to be used to shoot down the "cat-sized" vermin.

  76. Rats occasionally grind their teeth because of tension or discomfort. This behaviour is usually an indication of happiness and calm and the practise is referred to as bruxing.

  77. Rats can identify certain individuals they have previously seen.

    Do Rats Live On Antarctica?

  78. Rats don't live on Antarctica. They can be found on every other continent.

  79. Rats store food for later, just like hamsters do with their cheeks. When they remove the poison bait and carry it to their stockpile, this increases the risk of poisoning of non-targets.

  80. Rats have closed eyelids at birth and are defenceless without parental guidance. From 12 to 17 days after their birth, rats eyes open, and by 21 days, they are fully independent. That’s fast!

  81. Due to their keen sense of taste, rats routinely experiment with novel foods. This is to determine if they will become unwell or whether they will be able to digest them.

  82. Some rat species prefer to live in secluded locations because they don't like being around people.

  83. 2009 saw the discovery of the biggest rat species, which was hidden deep within the Papua New Guinea rainforest. 

  84. The backwards spelling of rats is star.

  85. The Norway Rat was not from that country originally.

    How Much Damage Do Rats Do To Agricultural Products?

  86. Around 20% of agricultural goods are destroyed annually by rats globally.

  87. In the past, hiring rat catchers was common in metropolitan Europe. Typically, they were accompanied by "ratters”, such as the rat terrier dog. Disease control required the management of rats.

  88. As members of the taxonomic order Rodentia, rats are considered to be rodents and are therefore considered to be mammals.

    In Which Countries Do They Eat Rats?

  89. Surprisingly, rat flesh is still a widely used culinary ingredient in many nations. In Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, some of the Philippines, Ghana, Thailand, Indonesia, China, and Vietnam, you can eat rat.

  90. Rats' keen sense of smell has been used to find landmines and identify illnesses like TB.

    What Infections Can Rats Carry?

  91. Diseases like the bubonic plague and lassa typhus are among the infections that rats carry.

  92. The most prevalent native rat species in Australia is the bush rat.

  93. More than 25,000 black rats live at India's Karni Mata Temple and are adored there.

  94. The ancient Romans lacked a name to distinguish between rats and mice. They instead called them the great mouse (mus maximus) and the small mouse (mus minimus).

  95. Numerous imaginary rats have appeared in popular culture. Master Splinter was a martial artist expert rat from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Remy was in Ratatouille,  Stuart Little was also a rat. Chuck E. Cheese was metamorphosed into a mouse in 1997 to promote publicity of the character.

  96. The Roman conquests are probably when the contemporary black rat spread throughout Europe.

  97. Postpartum estrus, is a phenomena where certain female rats are capable of becoming pregnant as soon as 10–24 hours after giving birth.

    What Type Of Rats Are Kept As Pets?

  98. The most popular type of rat kept as a pet is the fancy rat, popularly called Rattus norvegicus domestica. It is related to the domesticated Norway rat.

  99. Rats have an excellent memory, and after learning a route once, they can remember it.