Hammer Technologies Rat Repellent For Cars, Deterrent For Rats.

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Do Rat Repellent Garbage Bags Work?

Rodents, rats and raccoons are a nuisance in many parts of the world when it comes to turning over people's domestic rubbish. They can open bins and get inside, tearing open bin bags and making a terrible mess trying to find scraps to eat.

Do Rat Repellent Garbage Bags Work?

Many people turn to rodent repellent garbage bags, but do they work? They are impregnated with peppermint oil which, apparently, rodents such as rats don't like. The reviews on Amazon are mixed, with some people saying that they help and others saying that they make no difference.

Many advocate double or triple-bagging rubbish with the minty bags to make it more secure. This may be enough to keep many of the pests away regardless of the added odour. It may be that an animal may leave for another area if they have an alternative. Realistically if something is happy to go through a bin containing used nappies and rotting fish it is unlikely to be put off by a fresh minty smell.

A much better solution is to get yourself some of Hammer Technologies' powerful rodent-repellent flooring. It is great for creating a protected perimeter around a rubbish disposal area. Visit 'Buy Now' to find out more.

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