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Dreaming About Rats

Dreaming About Rats

Have you been dreaming about rats? If so, it is not unusual. They have a prominent position in many cultures, in some they are held in high esteem, in others they are hated and feared. They are symbolic in many religions and within spiritual groups. Fear of rats (musophobia) is one of the most common phobias. All of this makes it unsurprising that dreams about rats are surprisingly common.

Part of the meaning of your dream is going to depend on how you feel about rats yourself. If you have pet rats which you love then dreams of them chasing you is going to have a completely different meaning compared to if you fear rats. This means that a rat dream could be considered to be positive for some people and negative for others.

Many interpretations are based on anxiety, problems and difficulties in life. It may be that you are feeling weak and powerless in the face of the issues you are having in your relationships, at work or with your life goals. If you have had a dream about a rat and would like some help interpreting it, please leave us a comment below.

The situation the rat is in and what it is doing can give us clues as to what your dream means. The subconscious mind is powerful and uses visual symbols to communicate your hidden fears and desires to you. As a result it is significant whether the rat is biting you, bringing you a gift or chasing you. If you are lost in the woods and you come across a rat this is very different to if it is hiding under the desk on the first day of school.

For some people, dreaming of rats simply represents their fear of the animals. Looking at the context of the dream and other features will give you clues as to whether this is the case.

No one really knows why we dream. A more recent theory which is gaining momentum is that we are testing out our reactions to things that could happen in the real world. By simulating events, we can trial how we respond and feel in situations which could be important to us. It could be that we are seeing it as practice if we come across these things in real life.

Freud suggested that dreams are based on subconscious symbols. These represent different aspects of our lives. When we are asleep we explore these deep meanings. This way we can learn more about ourselves by exploring the depths of our minds.

Here are a few of the common rat dreams and what they mean.

Dreaming About Rats Chasing You

Rats are often thought of as intelligent, strong and harmful. This means it may be that there is something in your life which you feel is making you anxious or worried and you have no control over it. It could represent a real-world foe you are battling or trying to run away from. If you dream that a rat is taking food from you it may be that you feel your very survival is threatened.

It is common to dream about a giant rat chasing you. This means that you are feeling baffled and outmanoeuvred by a person or thing in your life. You may feel that it is cleverer, stronger and faster than you and you feel threatened. It is important to you to find out what it is that is leading you to have this dream as you will need to deal with it in real life. Draw inner strength and stand up for yourself and what you believe in.

Dreams About Rats Running

This can be a sign do you have doubts and concerns in your life. It could feel that your life is running away from you and that you have no control. The rodents can represent problems and situations in your life which are happening without your influence. If you are honest with yourself, you can probably work out what this means and what you need to do about it. Many people’s anxieties relate to work, relationships or health.

Dreaming About Rats In Your House

Dreams of rats in your house can represent your relationships. This includes feelings towards your friends, partners and relations. These dreams could mean that you are anxious about the effects of these individuals in your personal space. You may not trust them or feel that you could be undermined. It is possible that you need to take steps to address the situation. Boundaries may need to be re-established in order for you all to be happy.

Dreaming About Rats Biting You

If you have had a dream about rats biting you it can be a sign that you feel you can’t trust someone close to you. As rats are symbols of strength, resilience and disease, you could feel someone is a malicious influence in your life. It could be time to hold your cards close to your chest and look out for someone trying to stab you in the back. Think through the people at work and at home and check for any signs they may be trying to subvert or undermine you. Keep your wits about you and be strong.

Dreaming About Being Scratched By Rats

Dreaming about being scratched by rats could be an indication that you are not taking any notice of an important problem you are having. The rodent symbolises the problem and the scratch is the problem trying to draw your attention. Subconsciously you know you need to do something about this but part of you is blocking it. This could be due to a learned behaviour from previous situations where you are trying to avoid negative responses from people. Alternatively, you might be scared of something else such as repercussions from your actions. Either way, you need to face up to the problem and deal with it.

Dreaming About Rats Eating

This can be a sign that you feel that someone or something is nibbling away at you. Alternatively, it could be time for a new hobby or to develop a new interest.

Dreaming About A Dead Rat

Dreaming about a dead rat can be traumatising but it could be a sign of finally being free from a problem or a negative influence in your life. It can be a sign that you have moved on and left your troubles behind. Alternatively, it could be a sign that a problem is festering and causing harm. If you think about how the dream made you feel you will find the answer.

A dead rat dream can also be a sign that you feel that someone may be about to reveal private information about you. This could be a work colleague, friend or partner. You might feel that this could be harmful to you. An alternative interpretation could be that you could be about to be found out for doing something wrong. You may be fearful that a past misdemeanour will be discovered and you will be outed.

In the west, death is often seen as a bad thing whereas in the east and in spiritual circles it can mean the end of old habits and the beginning of new ones. It can be a herald of better times to come.

Dreaming About A Rat Crawling On You

This is a nasty one. Dreams like this could feel awful and leave you upset for some time. The sensation could seem very real. It is likely that you are worried about your health. Rats are one of the commonest symbols of disease so your subconscious may demonstrate this worry to you using a dream like this. There may be a behaviour that is concerning you such as drinking, smoking or your diet. Alternatively, a trip to your local doctor may be required for a checkup. You could also speak to them about anxiety whilst you are there if this could be a problem for you.

Dreams of Rats As A Spirit Animal

It is possible that the reason you had a dream about a rat is because rats are your spirit animal. This is ancient concept found in many civilisations around the world. A spirit animal is thought to be a personal guide to direct you in life. They will appear to you in dreams and be obvious to you in the world around you. You will feel a strong connection with them. Any animal can be a spirit animal.

Assertive and strong-willed people tend to have rats as their spirit animal. They behave in a constructive fashion and tend to be intelligent. These people often give good advice and offer wisdom when it is needed.

Dreaming About Different Coloured Rats

The colour of the rat could be significant to the meaning of the dream. Different colours mean different things to people in various cultures. It is not possible to generalise the significance of colour. Think about how the colour of the rat makes you feel and what you associate it with in everyday life. This will give you clues as to whether the rat symbolises something benevolent or malevolent. If the colour is positive to you then the rat could symbolise hope and change for the better. If the colour is associated with bad things then the rodent could symbolise a problem, difficulty or stress in your life.

Have you had a dream about rats? Please let us know in the comments section below.