Hammer Technologies Rat Repellent For Cars, Deterrent For Rats.

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How To Solve The Problem Of Rats In A Building

How To Solve The Problem Of Rats In A Building

Rats are particularly proficient at finding their way into buildings; in fact an adult rat can fit through a gap only 2cm across.  This makes it very difficult, if not impossible to make some buildings rat proof. Large buildings such as aircraft hangars and factories may be impossible.  This is because of the large number of holes as well as the fact that some of them will be accessible by the rats but not to people.  For instance, a rat may be able to access next-doors roof space up a drainpipe and get into the roof cavity under the partition wall.  In a large building this may be difficult to track down and access.  This can make it difficult to solve the problem of rats in a building

You can try drying up water sources but rats can go for longer than camels without water so you are probably wasting your time.  Fit spring closures to your doors so they close automatically, stopping rats strolling in and out of your front door.  They are intelligent meaning they can follow you in wen you least expect it.

Many people use poisons, traps and repellents to get rid of rats. Despite all of these techniques rats caused over nine billion dollars worth of damage to property in the US per year.  There is no evidence that any rat control methods used currently have reduced damage by rats.

In response to this Hammer Technologies have come up with rat-repellent flooring. It makes the most of patent-pending technology and creates a rodent-free zone around your property. This keeps those chomping little incisors at bay.

Alternatively you could try finding their runs and blocking them off using concrete, cement, bricks and sheet metal.  You can spot them by looking out for oily marks on paintwork and skirtings as well as spilt food and mess.  Measures such as these are often unsuccessful which is where the rat-repellent flooring comes into play.

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