Hammer Technologies Rat Repellent For Cars, Deterrent For Rats.

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All-Natural Rat Repellent

All-Natural Rat Repellent - Peppermint

Rats are a common cause of property damage. Damage can run to thousands of pounds when they chew the wires on cars and computers. They can also contaminate food and stock in warehouses and supermarkets. Conventional pest control can cause harm and suffering to rodents, as well as causing poisons to enter the food chain. This can lead people to look for all-natural rat repellents. These can be safer for the environment and pets, as well as causing less suffering for the rats.

If you are not sure whether it is rats or mice you are dealing with then we have a helpful post here on how to tell the difference; https://www.hammertechltd.com/blog/differences-between-rats-and-mice

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is an all-natural rat repellent which many people find effective. It can be mixed with water and sprayed in areas where rats cause a problem. The smell may fade over a couple of days so you may need to reapply it regularly.


Citronella is another essential oil which can be used to keep rats away. Its lemony scent can disorient the rodents and disguise their tracks. Rotating different oils may be more effective than simply using the same oil all the time. Rats are neophobic so anything new will upset them but they can become accustomed to changes over time. This a good reason to mix things up a bit.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is another pungent ingredient you can use to keep rats away. Use in a spray or soak into cotton wool balls and leave where the rodents spend time and hopefully, they will think twice and leave the area.

Chilli Pepper

Capsaicin is a component in chilli peppers which stimulates heat receptors, simulating a burn. This makes it a useful rodent repellent. It is harmless but can be effective. Mix chilli flakes, cayenne pepper or chilli powder with water and a small amount of oil and gently heat to infuse the capsaicin. The oil will help to release the heat and will create a coating where it is sprayed. You can use a small amount of pure Castille soap as an alternative to the oil if you wish. Filter or separate the solids then put the remaining liquid in a spray bottle and spray in the areas the rats frequent.

Simple Things You Can Do To Keep Rats Away

Natural rat repellents are not very powerful so you will need to do everything you can to avoid drawing rats to the area.

  • Make sure you remove all traces of food and water which may be drawing rats to the area.

  • Dry up puddles and standing water.

  • Make sure no pet food or bird food is lying on the floor in the yard.

  • Use bird feeders which are off the ground, for example, a wire feeder hanging from a tree or a bird table.

  • Sweep up and remove any bird or pet food which ends up on the floor

  • Keep food in rat-proof containers.

  • Pick up any windfall fruit in the garden and dispose of it where rats can't get it.

  • Block up holes in walls, ceilings and skirtings with wire wool, cement and other materials tht rats can't chew through.

  • Remove piles of rubbish, logs and other debris which could be used to nest.

Conventional Pest Control Is Inhumane And Ineffective

Modern rat poisons are often coumarins which thin the blood and lead to internal bleeding. Rats can take some time to die and will suffer in the process. Dead and dying rats may be eaten by other animals and poisons can accumulate in wild animals, leading to population collapse..

Traps can also harm rodents by trapping legs and tails, sometimes they are left starving and thirsty for long periods. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on conventional pest control over the past few decades. Despite this, the populations of rats and mice are continuing to grow. Trapping and poisoning don't work. If you are looking for a definitive solution which is humane and environmentally friendly then you need RatMat.

RatMat is more effective than all-natural rat repellents and conventional pest control methods. It uses a low-power electric pulse, similar to an electric fence in a farmer's field but far less powerful. It safely repels the rodents without using chemicals or poisons. You can walk across the tiles with shoes on, or drive across but rats and mice simply won't cross it making it highly effective. Visit 'Buy Now' to get yours today.