How Do I Keep Rats Out Of My Garage?

How Do I Keep Rats Out Of My Garage?

How Do I Keep Rats Out Of My Garage?

If you have a car, you may be wondering how to keep rats out of your garage. A rat infestation may be a major headache. They may inflict thousands of pounds of damage in a single night, which you may not even be covered for. People attempt a variety of solutions, but if they miss one rat, the issue continues to resurface. The expense of repairing even minor damage might be prohibitive. Damage to the electronic cabling in a Tesla or expensive sports car might pose major issues. When calculating the total cost, don't forget to include the cost of downtime if you need your vehicle for work.

Hammer Technologies RatMat has arrived. Using rat-proof matting, we have come up with a terrific way to get rid of rats. Rodents can't get beyond the barrier it creates around the perimeter of your facility or lockup. When everything else fails, you can rely on their patent-pending innovation.

In North America alone, rats caused about $9 billion in economic damage to human property in 2009. This is despite the fact that every known pest control strategy has been used. We can't keep doing the same thing over and over again. Based on inflation and other variables, this number will continue to rise. Furthermore, this number will be far greater on a global scale. Note that this statistic comes from a society where we utilise traps, repellents, deterrents, as well as other measures to keep rats at away. What we're doing now isn't working, and that's where our new gadget comes in. We have a unique concept with Hammer Technologies RatMat so if you are wondering ‘How Do I Keep Rats Out Of My Garage?” the Ratmat is the solution you are looking for. Unlike most other alternatives, this one is simple to put into practise. RatMat is now available in Canada from

There are times when contemplating the alternatives just isn't worth it. If you have a large or old garage, it may be prohibitively expensive to attempt to seal all of the hundreds of small openings in the roof and walls. A 2cm hole is all they need to get in, and they'll pounce on it. There are certain holes that are impenetrable to people, yet rats can readily go inside. Drainpipes may be used to enter the roofs of neighbouring buildings from the fourth storey. The answer to this problem is unquestionably rat resistant flooring.

How Do I Keep Rats Out Of My Garage?

It is common for people to attempt to cover up the openings in their garage walls and doors, but this could be a difficult and costly undertaking. Larger buildings may not be able to completely plug all of the holes. Roof and wall-to-wall access to some of them will be difficult or impossible. One thing is for sure: rats will locate a hole if you miss it. Investing in RatMat is the only sure-fire way to protect your car from rodents.

Our revolutionary rat-repellent flooring technology has taken a lot of time and effort to perfect. You can now protect your car from rats pointy little incisors with this ground-breaking new solution. We've seen a significant increase in the number and size of rats. Even rodent poisons and repellents are growing ineffective against them. They're becoming more difficult to control. After considerable reflection, we came to the conclusion that we needed to make some improvements to the situation. This resulted in the notion of building a secure perimeter around the area that needed to be protected.

There are a number of causes of rats chewing. Most importantly to them, they are constructing a pathway. This will provide them access to resources like food, water, warmth, and shelter. They could be on the lookout for a good place to build a nest for their family. Because of this, they commonly find their way into the voids between buildings and beneath the floorboards. In these locations, they may expect a comfortable temperature and little to no disturbance. Your electrical wires might be chewed up in the process. In an inaccessible location, they run the risk of electrocution. You won't be able to see or recover a dead rat from your cavity walling, but you'll be able to smell it!

Why do rats and rodents chew? To make their teeth shorter, they must bite on hard things throughout their lives. If they don't, they'll end up with painfully long teeth that make it difficult for them to feed. Steel wires are what they often chew as these are hard enough wear away the enamel on their teeth.

Your car may face a big repair bill if rats or mice bite through a critical wire in an unreachable area of key hardware. Install our super-effective system to lessen your chance of damage that may not be covered by your insurance.

Dr Toby Bateson