How To Get Rid Of Rats Without Killing Them

How To Get Rid Of Rats Without Killing Them

If you have a rat infestation but care about the welfare of animals you may be wondering how to get rid of rats without killing them. Unfortunately, many standard pest control methods are cruel. They can harm animals, even if they don't kill them. Poisons result in suffering for a prolonged period of time before the animal actually dies. Even humane traps can catch a limb, tail or head, resulting in pain and sometimes death.

RatMat is different. Using the same technology as electric fences used in farmers fields for many decades, it creates a perimeter around your property. Rodents won't cross it; they can detect the electric current, which is 40 times less powerful than a farmer's electric fence. As a result they usually completely avoid the area. If they walk on the system they will receive a harmless, very brief electric shock which is so fast that it is over before they are aware of it. As a result, they will learn to keep away without you having to resort to nasty traps and poisons.

The system is easy to install and is commonly used to protect cars and other vehicles. It can also be put across doorways and is often used to protect warehouses and supermarkets. The tiles can be driven over thousands of times with a car, van or forklift truck. They are very hardwearing.

As there are no harmful chemicals involved the system does not harm the local environment or poison your pets. It is also not consumable so there is less waste. In these ways, it is greener than many other forms of pest control. It is a more eco-friendly way to get rid of rats without killing them.

It is important to make sure you do a few simple things to make the area less enticing to rodents. Rats and mice are usually after one or more of three things when they invade.

  • Food

  • Water

  • Shelter

If you remove as many of these as you can you will make the rats feel less welcome and it may be easier to get rid of them. Make sure there is no pet food, bird seed or old food packages lying about. We should remove puddles and fix dripping taps to eliminate water sources. Piles of rubbish, wood, or rubble should be disposed of or dispersed to get rid of nesting places.

If you have had rats in an area, even if they leave, other rats can be drawn to the area by their scent. It is worth pressure washing the area to remove any traces otherwise rodents will follow the tracks and the problem can return.

RatMat is a great solution when other pest control methods have failed. Visit 'Buy Now' to find out more and get your system today.