Hammer Technologies Rat Repellent For Cars, Deterrent For Rats.

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The Easiest Way To Get Rid Of Rats

The Easiest Way To Get Rid Of Rats

There are many problems caused by rats. They are known to carry various diseases. These including Weil's disease, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, hantavirus and rat bite fever. They can cause structural damage to buildings by chewing on wooden supports, plastic components and wiring. Damage to electrical systems can cause fire which destroys buildings and lives. Smoke damage can be extensive and damage may not be recovered.

If any of these problems are happening to you then you may be wondering what is the easiest way to get rid of rats. Conventional pest control consists of traps, poisons and repellents. People have been using these methods for hundreds of years and the problem is getting worse. Enter RatMat. It is designed to protect vehicles and property from damage caused by rats and mice. It is simple to set up and use, incredibly effective and more environmentally friendly than many other forms of pest control.

Many other simple remedies are simply not effective enough. Peppermint oil, wolf urine and cayenne pepper are cheap, simple, quick and... don't work very well. People may find that they work for a while as rats are neophobic (scared of new things). Once they get used to the smell and realise there's no threat they will often ignore the repellents. RatMat gives a safe but effective electric shock which can't be ignored. Electric fences have been used in farmers’ and smallholder's fields for decades and they are highly effective. Animals don't become accustomed to the shock meaning that the system continues to be effective for years to come.

Unfortunately rats aren't easy to get rid of so don't be fooled by 'simple home remedies' claiming to be the easiest way to get rid of rats. They won't work. If you are wondering whether you have a rat infestation this article can help; https://www.hammertechltd.com/blog/what-does-rat-urine-smell-like

Rats can also chew through plastic piping which can lead to leaks and water damage. They often chew to wear down their teeth as they grow continuously throughout their lives. The rodents will often use plastics and other materials they forage as nesting material. Damage to supporting members of buildings can lead to collapse which can be dangerous to humans. In addition to this it can be expensive and time consuming to repair.

The wiring in buildings, computers and cars is very enticing to rats. It is often easily accessible and tastes great; some manufacturers put soya protein in with the PVC. Damage can lead to malfunctions, loss of time, money and affect the running of homes and businesses. Water leaks can cause rot to building supports, floorboards, skirtings and joints. This can lead to collapse and catastrophic damage. Find out more about rat mythology here; https://www.hammertechltd.com/blog/rat-symbolism-mythology-folklore-dreams-and-premonitions

Rats are dirty and messy. They will leave scraps of food, droppings and discarded nesting material around. This can lead areas becoming unpleasant, smelly and uninhabitable. Cleaning up can be time consuming, expensive and doesn't prevent the problem recurring.

If you really need to get rid of rats, don't go for the easiest method, go for the best; RatMat.